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Nikhil on why female hairstylists were hired earlier

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Nikhil Advani reveals why female hair-stylists were hired in earlier times, says, 'When a man touches a woman's neck, s*xual things aroused'

Stereotypes around genders have always existed in many industries or perhaps in the society. In many ways, mostly at work places, and an industry like movies, one saw less women and more men, but now a film set is full of women – be it the technical departments or hair, make-up. Recently at a panel discussion, some industry insiders discussed how the scenario for women is today in movies and how it has changed over the years. Earlier, for the longest time, only the hair dresser was a female, rest there were usually males on a film-set.
During this chat, Nikkhil Advani revealed why females were hired even for the hair-dressing part. At this panel discussion called ‘O Womaniya‘ by Prime Video, Film Companion Studios and Ormax Media, Nikhil said, “In your line items, there are 169 line items, above the line and below the line. Do you know how many are considered relevant jobs for women? Take a guess. Nine. Nine are relevant jobs for women. Everything else is considered unsuitable for women.”
He further added, “I have a great hair-makeup story. I’ll tell you why there is a hair didi and a makeup dada. Because when a man touches (the back of a woman’s neck) there are sexual things that are aroused. That’s why there is a hair dada and a makeup didi. The union did not allow this!”
This left co-panelist Richa Chadha shocked, to which Nikkhil added, “You will not be aroused if a woman touches your hair! That’s the logic. I was like, ‘What?’ When we started working with Mickey Contractor, we had to get him to hire a woman. But suppose there was someone from the union there, the hair didi had to stand quickly.”
Nikkhil said the streaming industry has smarter and more creative people than the theatrical side. “This is a blanket statement. There are more interesting filmmakers, storytellers, writers, and they are thinking about things other than just the box office… This is just tokenism, that there are 15% women on crews,” he said.

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