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Supreme Court Chief Justice Roberts issues warning on ‘judicial independence’ weeks before Trump inauguration

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Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts issued a warning on Tuesday that the United States must maintain “judicial independence” just weeks away from President-elect Donald Trump’s inauguration. Roberts explained his concerns in his annual report on the federal judiciary. “It… Read More »Supreme Court Chief Justice Roberts issues warning on ‘judicial independence’ weeks before Trump inauguration

Biden moving to ban oil and gas leases for 20 years in Nevada region, just weeks before Trump inauguration

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The Biden administration is attempting to implement last-minute restrictions on oil and gas drilling in the west just weeks before President-elect Donald Trump’s inauguration. On Monday, the Department of the Interior announced plans to pursue a 20-year ban on oil… Read More »Biden moving to ban oil and gas leases for 20 years in Nevada region, just weeks before Trump inauguration

Reviews Recap: the week’s 5 biggest reviews, from a mammoth, mid-market mini-LED screen to brilliant bookshelf speakers

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It’s been a busy week. With all the Christmas parties, endless gift shopping, and rogue carollers to dodge, we wouldn’t blame you if you’ve fallen behind on the latest products to hit the market. Fortunately, we’re here to update you… Read More »Reviews Recap: the week’s 5 biggest reviews, from a mammoth, mid-market mini-LED screen to brilliant bookshelf speakers

Reviews Recap: the week’s 5 biggest reviews, from Nothing’s novel new open-ear buds to a Blu-ray-besting movie player

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It’s that time of the week again – time for another refresh of the last seven days of tech testing in our regular Reviews Recap. We’ve rounded up the five hottest reviews published on our site this week, so if… Read More »Reviews Recap: the week’s 5 biggest reviews, from Nothing’s novel new open-ear buds to a Blu-ray-besting movie player

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